Year-end activities and key dates | |
We have nearly completed our work to finalize new assessment for the 2023 roll and are pleased to share that we are on track to set a new assessment record with the capture of more than $42 billion province-wide – an increase of more than $4 billion over last year. | | | |
We recognize how valuable capturing new assessment is to municipalities to support your planning and budgeting needs and we are committed to providing the most up-to-date information, continuing our efforts to modernize processes, and offering innovative products and services across the province.
In early November, our focus will shift to preparing for year-end municipal products and the distribution of more than 715,000 Property Assessment Notices that reflect changes to property ownership, classification or value that occurred this year across Ontario. To support property owners, we ask that you direct those with questions about their Property Assessment Notice to the Understanding Your Assessment page on mpac.ca. Here is a summary of activities and key dates through the rest of 2023:
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October 30
MPAC Deliverables: 2023 Q3 New Assessment Forecast and 2024 Preliminary New Assessment Forecast available in the My Products portal of Municipal Connect. Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators November 6 MPAC Deliverables: Final 2023 Control Totals available in Municipal Connect Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators November 13 – 22 MPAC Deliverables: More than 715,000 Property Assessment Notices mailed MPAC Audience: For more details, please check your local delivery schedule in My Products. Week of November 27 MPAC Deliverables: Municipal Change Profile (MCP) available in My Products Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators Week of November 27 MPAC Deliverables: Year-end Tax File available in My Products Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators Week of December 4 MPAC Deliverables: Municipal Connect available for the 2024 Tax Year Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators Week of December 11 MPAC Deliverables: 2024 Municipal Levy Letter delivery Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators for all MPAC Billing Partners (single and upper tier municipalities) Week of December 11 MPAC Deliverables: 2023 Municipal Partnership Report and Municipal Assessment Change Summary delivery Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators On/before December 12 MPAC Deliverables: 2023 Assessment Roll for 2024 Taxation delivery Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators / Taxing Authorities Week of December 18 MPAC Deliverables: First Quarter 2024 levy invoice delivery Municipal Audience: Municipal Administrators for all Billing Partners We are committed to continuing to provide you with information as we move through the year-end activities. Please reach out to your local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager with any questions about these reports. | |
MPAC is updating the assessments of all pit and quarry properties in Ontario to reflect the Assessment Review Board’s (ARB) decision on long-standing pit and quarry appeals. Property owners will receive a Property Assessment Notice in November updating their property's assessed value and classification for the 2024 property tax year. As part of these updates, there are changes to classification and methodology, which reflect the approach outlined in the ARB’s decision. To provide municipalities with an overview of the changes, MPAC will host a webinar on November 16, 2023. Please see registration details below. | |
New improvements to the Property Assessment Notice | |
Year-end Property Assessment Notice (PAN) mailouts will look a little different as we implement new updates to increase transparency and clearly communicate changes in a property’s assessment.
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Reasons for the change in assessment were added to the notices for 2022-2023. Now we’ve expanded that list of potential reasons from nine to 14 to improve transparency and clarity.
There is also a QR code printed on the notice that allows property owners to immediately access our newly updated website and learn more about what their notice means.
PAN mailouts for the 2024 tax year will begin this November. | |
An update from our Municipal Liaison Group meeting | |
On October 19, members of our Municipal Liaison Group (MLG) met virtually for another informative session to discuss a number of priority issues. The opportunity for open dialogue and feedback that we receive through these meetings are integral in learning about the needs of our municipal partners and developing initiatives to best support their day-to-day work. At this meeting, MPAC representatives updated the group about the Corporate Data Strategy initiative, shared information about changes to tax incentive programs and presented new enhancements to Municipal Connect. MPAC also reported on the status of pit and quarry appeals and provided a further update after the session as we continued to analyze the land rates being applied to these properties. For more information, you can read an update in this issue and join our subject matter experts for an overview at the November 16 webinar. Registration details are below. If you would like more information or wish to discuss any of these initiatives, please contact your local Account Manager. | |
Upcoming changes to RTC and RTQ codes | |
Following extensive consultations with municipalities, Reamined, product vendors and other impacted stakeholders, we are proactively updating our systems to increase the Realty Tax Class (RTC) and Realty Tax Qualifiers (RTQ) codes from one character each, to two, to accommodate any future legislative or regulatory changes. Expanding the codes beyond a single character will allow us to implement any additional classes or subclasses to support the legislation and our municipal stakeholders.
Through our consultations, we determined the best time to implement these changes would be following year-end activities. The changes to impacted products will come into effect in 2024.
We are collaborating with our municipal partners and their tax vendors ahead of time so that updates to the RTC/RTQ codes can be seamlessly ingested into municipal tax systems. We also shared sample products with vendors, municipalities, and impacted stakeholders to help them prepare for these system updates.
For additional information on the expansion project, including which products are impacted, please reach out to your local Account Manager. | |
Our MPAC team was pleased to connect with municipalities and other stakeholders at several conferences over the past few months!
At the Ontario East Municipal Conference (OEMC) in Ottawa, we shared how we keep Ontario’s property database current and the tools available to empower municipal staff and property owners to learn about our assessments.
While at the Ontario Municipal Tax and Revenue Association (OMTRA) conference in Niagara Falls, members of our team shared our ongoing efforts to support municipal partners, and participated in two information sessions where we offered an update on appeals and an overview of our severance and consolidation process.
At the Municipal Finance Officers' Association (MFOA) conference in Niagara Falls, we were pleased to share more about our role in the property tax and assessment system and what we’re doing to support the evolving needs of municipalities. Mary Dawson-Cole, Director, Municipal and Stakeholder Relations, joined Carm Lipsi, Vice-President and COO, in an informative session where they discussed our commitment to develop innovative ways to better serve communities across Ontario, and shared our current areas of focus and recent operational highlights. | |
Gravel pit appeals update
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Join subject matter experts Tim Harrison, Director, Assessment Litigation & Dispute Resolution, and Susan Harris, Director, Valuation, Research and Advisory Services, for an update about MPAC’s work related to recent pit and quarry appeal decisions. There will be time for questions following the presentation.
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2023 Time: 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EDT | |
In case you missed it: MPAC’s role in the property tax and assessment system – a municipal update President and CAO, Nicole McNeill, and Vice-President and COO, Carmelo Lipsi, presented MPAC’s annual municipal update, including our work to keep Ontario’s property database current, tools to empower property owners, recent operational highlights and property insights, and our role in the property tax and assessment system. A Q+A session followed the presentation. | |
The deadline for municipalities to sign the Data Sharing and Services Agreement is December 23, 2023. MPAC’s new Data Sharing and Services Agreement (DSSA) was developed in consultation with a municipal working group made up of members from our Municipal Liaison Group to modernize our data-sharing relationship and provide greater clarity. With updates and consolidations of several existing MPAC-municipal agreements, including our SLA, Licensing Agreements and Data Use Terms and Conditions, the DSSA offers a flexible framework for future enhancements. To learn more about the DSSA, watch our spring webinar recording or reach out to your local Account Manager with any questions. | |
We invite you to reach out! Every municipality has their own dedicated account management team at MPAC. They are the best resource for municipal staff and elected officials should your municipality have any questions related to MPAC and our work. Reach out to your local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager with questions or to learn more. | | |