| | | | | Q1 New Assessment Forecast Identifies More Than $42 Billon On April 28, MPAC delivered the 2023 Q1 New Assessment Forecast update as mandated under our Service Level Agreement with municipalities. Each municipality can access a customized report via MyProducts on Municipal Connect to view their local numbers.
The Revised 2023 Preliminary New Assessment Forecast that was shared in January has been revised and now indicates an additional $1.1 billion in available new assessment, bringing our new Q1 total to over $42 billion. Much of this added new assessment can be attributed to an increase in new condo development and additional changes identified within our centralized properties stream.
“As of May 23, we have captured over $17 billion in new assessment value in all category streams, of which 91% have been completed within one year of occupancy,” says Dan Devellis, Director, Valuation and Customer Relations. “We are very proud to be ahead of schedule with our commitment to capture the most up-to-date information and share this with municipalities across Ontario to help inform their in-year revenue planning activities.”
Our next quarterly forecast will be delivered to municipalities at the end of July. To learn more about how MPAC assesses properties, see our Property Assessment and Taxation Toolkit on our Support for Municipalities page on mpac.ca or reach out to your local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager. | | | | Ontario Residential Building Permits Return to Pre-pandemic Levels
For the first time in three years, Ontario saw the number of residential building permits drop after reaching all-time highs during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, more than 108,000 building permits were issued across Ontario for new residential development — an approximate 11.6 per cent decrease from the previous year.
“People across Ontario were spending most, if not all, of their time at home during the pandemic and many decided it was an ideal time to take out building permits to update their homes,” explains Carmelo Lipsi, MPAC Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer. “Now that COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, people are starting to gravitate back to experiences and travel. Coupled with the fact that the cost of borrowing has increased with higher interest rates, we are seeing fewer permits issued, signalling a shift in priorities.” 
Across the province, home improvement permits also decreased by more than 9 per cent in Ontario, to just over 63,000. These permits were for home improvements, including renovations, additions, swimming pools, sheds, garages, and decks.
How did your municipality rank? Check out our Top 10 Municipalities Insights - Residential Building Permits and Regional Insights to see where your municipality stands, or read the full news release to learn more.
| | | | | MPAC's Commitment to Getting it Right When MPAC staff are out in the community, we often get asked the question “when will assessments be updated?” MPAC’s property market experts are in fact making updates to property data all the time. As part of our public education campaign, we recently took to social media to let property owners know some of the ways we are working to keep property data up to date and accurate for more than 5.6 million properties across the province. We’re proud of the work we’ve done to ensure that our valuations consistently meet or surpass industry standards, and we are committed to being transparent with municipalities and property owners about the work we’re doing and how we’re getting it done. To learn more about MPAC’s commitment to getting it right, read the full story here.
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Spotlight on Transparency: MPAC Joins Organizations from Across Ontario as an Exhibitor in the IPC’s Transparency Showcase MPAC is honoured to be featured as an exhibitor in the Transparency Showcase. Curated by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC), this virtual exhibit highlights innovative and impactful projects and
| | programs that modernize and improve government transparency, promote civic engagement, and have a positive impact on Ontarians.
Check out MPAC’s exhibit and explore transparency projects by other Ontario organizations here. | | | | | |
Spring Conference Roundup
Our Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team has been busy attending various conferences over the past few months!
At the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA) Conference in London, we talked with BIAs about the important work they do in their local communities. We also shared how we can support their operational needs and how important it is for us to continue to build strong partnerships over the coming years.
We also spent time at the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) Conference in Thunder Bay and the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) Conference in Parry Sound, where we discussed how we can support communities in Northern Ontario and how they can leverage our expertise to make informed decisions. During FONOM, over 100 attendees joined our learning lunch where we shared more information about MPAC’s new corporate data strategy project and surveyed the group to gain further insight into the needs of municipalities.
| | | | | Overview of MPAC’s AboutMyProperty™ Online Tool and the Property Assessment Notice
| | We invite new and veteran municipal officials and staff to this overview of MPAC’s AboutMyProperty online tool to see how it can help property owners learn more about their MPAC assessment. Our subject matter experts, Ingrid Baxter, Director, Valuation Experience, and Atika Hintzen, Manager, Valuation Experience, will also provide an overview of our current Property Assessment Notices, and take any related questions. Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Time: 1 – 2 p.m. EDT | | | | | | In case you missed it: The Municipal and Consultant Enquiries Process and Municipal Connect Update | | Subject matter expert Anne Haines, Regional Manager, Southwestern Ontario, provided an overview of MPAC’s New Municipal and Consultant Enquiries Process, which supports the exchange of key data and focuses on education for our top three municipal enquiry topics, to ensure timely responses. We were also joined by subject matter expert Laura Voltti, Regional Manager, Northern Ontario, who offered an update on the upcoming building permit enhancements to Municipal Connect, MPAC’s primary source of assessment-related information for Ontario municipal staff. | | | | | | | With Municipal Activity Increased, We’re Busy Out East
MPAC’s Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team in Eastern Ontario has had a busy start to 2023, with a calendar booked full of insightful municipal engagements.
Since the October 2022 municipal and school board elections, our eastern team has met with over 40 municipalities, either through delegations, orientation sessions or one-on-one meetings — with many more planned over the next few months.
Engagements have been positive, with stakeholders appreciating the occasion to learn more about MPAC and our role in the property tax and assessment system.
Recently, Account Manager Travis Merkley had the opportunity to present to Central Frontenac Township’s new council. Michael McGovern, Treasurer, Central Frontenac Township, was pleased with the session. “Travis is a good representative for us, and it was great to have him present to council,” says McGovern. “He is a pleasure to work with on all MPAC matters.” Travis and Michael have had the opportunity to develop a strong, collaborative relationship since Travis joined our Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team in 2019, following a lengthy career with our Valuation and Customer Relations team.
A little further east, Account Manager Kim Bennett met with new council members from the Town of Prescott. “The meeting was a great opportunity to get to know the new town council and share more about how we can work together to support their needs,” said Bennett. Pictured with council below, Bennett has had the pleasure of serving the Town of Prescott in various capacities for over a decade.
Tracy McIntyre, Regional Manager, is proud of the work her team is doing. “These sessions are important and helpful, as our work is not always top of mind when our municipalities have so many other issues and priorities to manage,” commented McIntyre.
As part of our commitment to elevating the municipal experience, our Municipal and Stakeholder Relations team is always looking for new opportunities to engage with our stakeholders and foster lasting relationships. If you are interested in having MPAC lead an information session for your council, we invite you to contact your Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager to schedule a meeting or to learn more. | | | MPAC Account Manager Kim Bennett (centre) with Town of Prescott council members. | | | We invite you to get to know us! Every municipality has their own dedicated account management team at MPAC. They are the best resource for municipal staff and elected officials should your municipality have any questions related to MPAC and our work. Reach out to your local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager with questions or to learn more. | | | | | | | | | | |