Province-wide assessment update postponed | |
On August 16, the Ontario government filed a regulation to amend the Assessment Act, extending the postponement of a province-wide reassessment through the end of the 2021-2024 | | | |
assessment cycle. This means that property assessments for the 2023 and 2024 property tax years will continue to be based on fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values.
While we wait for a new assessment date, MPAC continues to maintain an inventory of all properties and account for changes that happen each year in every property sector across the province. The ongoing postponement does not change the work we do to maintain our extensive property database and annual assessment rolls. The government also announced that it will conduct a review of Ontario’s property assessment and taxation system. While MPAC is not responsible for setting tax rates or collecting property taxes, we welcome the opportunity to work with the Province to ensure the property assessment process is optimal for property owners and municipalities. MPAC remains in a strong position to deliver the next province-wide reassessment due to the work that we undertake every day to keep property assessment records accurate and property market data current. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager. | |
Supporting municipalities with the delivery of the Q2 New Assessment Forecast | |
Through the Q2 new assessment forecast update delivered to municipal partners at the end of July, MPAC has identified over $41.5 billion in available new assessment across the province.
While this is a slight decrease from the Q1 New Assessment forecast which projected $42 billion at the end of April, the change can be attributed to delays in residential and condo new construction occurring in some market areas where rising interest rates and higher material costs are impacting development timelines. “Providing insight into anticipated growth offers municipalities essential information to anticipate revenue and support their budget and tax planning,” says Carm Lipsi, MPAC’s Vice-President, Valuation and Customer Relations and COO. “We are ahead of schedule in delivering the most up-to-date information and look forward to continuing to offer valuable services and other support to municipalities across the province.” As of August 14, MPAC has captured $27 billion of new assessment value in 2023, representing 65 per cent of the most recent annual forecast, and 90% of this new assessment was completed within one year of occupancy. For questions about the new assessment forecasting process, reach out to your local MSR Account Manager. | |
New Building Permit Dashboard launches in Municipal Connect | |
We are pleased to announce that our new Building Permit Dashboard in Municipal Connect is now live. Created exclusively for municipal staff members, Municipal Connect is your | | | |
primary source for assessment data and information.
Designed to provide greater insight on new assessments, the new dashboard enables you to review all building permits MPAC has received from your municipality.
Within the Building Permit Dashboard, the ‘overview’ tab allows you to filter in-progress permit information by: - Work Description
- Property Series
- Property Type
The ‘overview’ tab also includes information on the total number of permits closed this year and permit submissions. There are additional ‘status’ filters, allowing you to sort building permits by plans received, final and occupancy status. The dashboard helps to improve transparency by providing a better understanding of the building permit’s journey between your municipality and MPAC. To familiarize yourself with the new dashboard, check out our online tutorial or reach out to your local Account Manager for an overview session. | |
MPAC’s 2022 Post-Enumeration Report is now available | |
In 2022, MPAC delivered our final Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) to every municipality, District Social Services Administration Board and electing school board in Ontario.
We are pleased to report that through the | | | |
combined efforts of municipalities, Elections Ontario and MPAC, with support from other stakeholders, the 2022 PLE grew by almost 1.2 million electors. This includes data coming from Elections Ontario following the June provincial elections, as well as voterlookup.ca, Elections Canada and regular updates to the MPAC database.
As we implement legislated changes that will transfer responsibility for the PLE to Elections Ontario in 2024, we would like to thank our Elections Working Group members for their support and insightful contributions to the 2022 enumeration process. You can read more about our comprehensive enumeration strategy and our effort to support municipalities through the process in the full report here. | |
Connecting at this year’s AMO Conference
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MPAC was pleased to attend this year’s AMO Conference in London, Ontario, as both an exhibitor and presenter. Over 2,500 delegates from across the province joined together for the three day event, which featured more than 60 speakers, sessions and workshops and covered a broad scope of topics important to municipalities today.
For our annual MPAC update Nicole McNeill, President and Chief Administrative Officer was joined by Alan Spacek, Chair, MPAC Board of Directors and Carmelo Lipsi, Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer for a fulsome presentation. This well-attended session featured highlights of our recent work, details of our work to keep Ontario’s property database current, the tools we have to support property owners and municipalities, and some property insights.
Nicole McNeill and Carm Lipsi will be presenting MPAC’s municipal update at our next webinar on September 7. Registration information can be found below. | |
MPAC’s role in the property tax and assessment system – a municipal update
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With the further postponement of a province-wide reassessment, MPAC continues to focus on supporting the evolving needs of municipalities and property owners by championing the modernization of our products and services. Join MPAC’s President and CAO, Nicole McNeill, and Vice-President and COO, Carmelo Lipsi, to hear our annual municipal update and learn more about: - Our work to keep Ontario’s property database current.
- Tools to empower property owners.
- Recent operational highlights and property insights.
- Our role in the property tax and assessment system.
There will be time provided for questions.
Date: Thursday, September 7, 2023 Time: 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EDT | |
Look for us in September and stop by to say hello! - September 6 to 8: Ontario East Municipal Conference (OEMC), Ottawa
- September 10 to 13: Ontario Municipal Tax and Revenue Association (OMTRA), Niagara Falls
- September 19 to 22: Municipal Finance Officers Association (MFOA), Niagara Falls
- September 19 to 23: International Plowing Match (IPM), Bowling Green
- September 24 to 27: Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA), Niagara Falls
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We invite you to get to know us! Every municipality has their own dedicated account management team at MPAC. They are the best resource for municipal staff and elected officials should your municipality have any questions related to MPAC and our work. Reach out to your local Municipal and Stakeholder Relations Account Manager with questions or to learn more. | | |